Ramen Akaneko
Red Cat Ramen | ラーメン赤猫 | Ramen Akaneko (2024)
多数欠 | Tasuketsu -Fate of the Majority- (2024)
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.
Elyase | Elf can`t be on a diet. | エルフさんは痩せられない。 | Plus-Sized Elf (2024)
Sengoku Youko: Senma Konton-hen
Sengoku Youko Part 2 | 戦国妖狐 千魔混沌編 | Sengoku Youko 2nd Season (2024)
Yami Shibai 13
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories Thirteenth Season | Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories 13 | 闇芝居 十二期 | Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 13 (2024)
ダンダダン | DAN DA DAN (2024)
Buồn vui cuộc đời cần thủ
NegaPosi Angler | ネガポジアングラー | Negative Positive Angler (2024)
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II
SAO Alternative Gun Gale Online II | ソードアート・オンライン オルタナティブ ガンゲイル・オンラインⅡ | Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II (2024)
Goukon ni Ittara Onna ga Inakatta Hanashi
The Story of How I Went to a Mixer and There Were No Women There | 合コンに行ったら女がいなかった話 | How I Attended an All-Guy`s Mixer (2024)
Sayounara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei
Goodbye Dragon Life | Hello Human Life | さようなら竜生、こんにちは人生 | Good Bye, Dragon Life (2024)
Kinoko Inu
きのこいぬ | Kinokoinu Mushroom Pup (2024)
Acro Trip
アクロトリップ | Acro Trip (2024)
Shin Tennis no Oujisama: U-17 World Cup Semifinal
新テニスの王子様 U-17 WORLD CUP SEMIFINAL | The Prince of Tennis II U-17 World Cup Semifinal (2024)
Kimi wa Meido-sama.
君は冥土様。 | You Are Ms. Servant. (2024)
Party kara Tsuihou sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou ni Tsuki
パーティーから追放されたその治癒師、実は最強につき | The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (2024)
Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo
Rekiaku | I`ll Become a Villainess That Will Go Down in History: The More of a Villainess I Become | the More the Prince will Dote on Me | 歴史に残る悪女になるぞ | I`ll Become a Villainess Who Goes Down in History (2024)
Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onnanoko no Hanashi
A Story of a Girl that was Unable to Become a Mage | Mahonare | 魔法使いになれなかった女の子の話 | The Stories of Girls Who Couldn`t Be Magicians (2024)
Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru.
If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student. | 妻、小学生になる。 | TsumaSho (2024)
Nageki no Bourei wa Intai shitai
Let This Grieving Soul Retire! Woe Is the Weakling Who Leads the Strongest Party | 嘆きの亡霊は引退したい | Let This Grieving Soul Retire (2024)
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Blue Lock 2nd Season | ブルーロック VS. U-20 JAPAN | Blue Lock 2nd Season (2024)
Music Video Vietsub
Music Video Vietsub (2020)
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Anime Music Video
Anime Music Video (2020)
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Luyện Khí Mười Vạn Năm
Luyện Khí Mười Vạn Năm (2023)
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Chân Võ Đỉnh Phong
Chân Võ Đỉnh Phong (2021)
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Dragon Ball Z Movie: Plan To Eradicate Super Saiyan
Dragon Ball: Super Saiya-jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku (2010)
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Tiên Võ Đế Tôn
Tiên Võ Đế Tôn (2023)
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Nghịch Thiên Chí Tôn
Nghịch Thiên Chí Tôn (2021)
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Vạn Giới Độc Tôn
Vạn Giới Độc Tôn (2021)
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Vạn Cổ Thần Thoại
Vạn Cổ Thần Thoại (2022)
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Nhân Gian Đắc Ý Nhất
Nhân Gian Đắc Ý Nhất (2021)
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